Monday, 19 July 2010

Led Zapplun will be guesting Jason Donavan tonight

I was writing it all somewhere else and now i need to do it again and i am not gonna copy a thing because the same as Panish sessions , you might play the same tune - sure , but you we try before to look at the other sides of the arguments , what is the point to travel the globe knowing it's shape so well when you can't be James Cook and still believe you are a true seeker ?
not saying , sure , that travling is not good as a travel but as we all know the world is round now it's time to find some new shapes and forms and structure , not everytime you look you find but if you open your eyes and you DO look you might see some spots in place that look just like the best thing Jackson Pollock never created and you got a chance at least to do something .
so we did Panish Lucky seven but that's an old news , just got message from the owner , we will do it again this Saturday 3pm at stoke Newington (or Stokey as someone said to me and i can't already see Vered laughing - i am laughing too , that's cool !)
we will be coming there with some new weapons of musical terror and that show will be faster , stronger and better , this is what it should be - if a show goes back and not trusthing forward that means something is wrong , there will be those who will think that by saying that we mean just plain test of aggresion , while aggresion is indeed something we love and we al need the point is different and in any case those who understand can relate and mostly can so there is nothing to explain .
in between that we will Panish also , no place and time is known yet but we will find the occasion .
good times we had and Rummy can testify with his mobile phone camera and his papartzi skills , the PREGNANT COW GALLERY in out mates bedroom was a sensation , this is where we put together - Closet the you can go out of , LADDER to nowhere special , I SLEEP against gravity , BED SPACE CRAFT WARP SPEED - ACTION ! , Brain salad surgery , etc ...
instant art in 10 minutes using mostly shoes and gaffer tape , this is what it should be about and this is the way we like it , you don't have artistry then you are like a tiger with no teeth - bite only air and dreams about fortune - fuck that , we don't care .

"Led zapplun will be guesting Jason donovan tonight" is our next track so pay attention and remember what Tony Montana said to Frank Lopez when the later compalined his chick spends half of her life dressing and the other half undressing :"you have to catch her in the middle , when she does not see .." BINGO
that's a Proper Panish for you and we always take the advice of Al and Don or anyone who was there in the 80's of miami , so we will listen to some Jan Hammer and give you a surprise next time .

1 comment:

  1. things are coming into shape, true, not a oval global shape but more of a wild flower with thorns growing into my bed room... that is what you are PAnish!

    If you need any visual aids from my arsenal for your brand new blog let me know!

